Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Testing, Playing, and Trying to Get the Hang of This

Hi everyone,
My friend Jill has motivated me to start my blog up again. She is very creative and takes the most awesome pictures ever. This isn't about her, just thought I'd give her the credit for getting me thinking about blogging, and keeping up with it this time. Thanks Jill- if this works.

My kids mean the whole world to me. I love them more than anything and hope that they realize exactly how much they mean to me.

This is my daughter Kristin. I haven't seen her in over 10 months- which totally breaks my heart. I love and miss her very very much!!!! Wish she'd move out of "Tornado Alley" Oklahoma and come live at the beach with me.
Hey Kristin, I love you this much (((((hugs))))!!!!!

This is my son Joey. I cannot belive he's all grown up. Where did the time go?We always have the most fun together. I love you Joey!!!!
Well, hopefully this works. If it does, I plan to blog a lot more. If not, I guess I'll have to track Jill down to help me learn more.

Have a great night friends, and hope to see you here often.

Peace out!


  1. This is great Becky! I love how you talked about your kids... so sweet! It looks to me like you're figuring this "blogging" thing out!

  2. Thanks girl. We're gonna miss you.
