Friday, January 23, 2009

Elbow Update

Ok, so.. I've had A LOT of pain this week. I ended up going to the dr. again instead of waiting next week. This time I saw another dr in the same practice at OrthoMemphis. I like this one way better. He still said no cast (thank goodness). He said that where the crack in the bone is, a cast really wouldn't do anything more than the sling.

He also said the pain is from a bruised nerve. He said it'll heal on it's own, but may take a while (weeks). And that pain is normal. (great!!) He did give me pain "nerve" pain pills that I can only take at night because they will knock me out.

The bruised nerve is also what is causing my fingers to go numb... go figure..

He wants me to take it out of the sling every now and then to stretch out and exercise the nerve. I am also supposed to "pillow splint" my arm so I will keep it straight at night. That is basically wrapping a pillow around and tying it (or Joey says duct taping it) so I cannot bend my arm in my sleep. Kevin and I have a full sized bed so that will be very interesting. My arm will take up over half the bed..LOL

I also still can NOT lift, push, or pull with that arm. Still have to baby it and take it easy.

Ok, so that's it in a nutshell. Will write more later.

Peace Out and Love,
Becky ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Freak Accidents Happen

Life is so funny sometimes.

Today at work, I had one of the most stupid accidents and I would never believe it would happen, if it didn't happen to me. I still laugh when I think about it, or tell someone about it since it's just so odd.

Let me start by saying. Office chair with wheels, tile floor.. Just thought I'd give the visual. Now, think about a piece of paper on the floor to your left. Any normal person would just bend to pick it up, right? Nothing normally would happen. Right?

Ok, I leaned over to the left to pick up the paper. My chair slid out from under me (on the tile floor). I landed on my elbow, which now has a cracked bone. And the chair landed on me.

At first when my elbow kept hurting, I just thought it was because I landed on it, and it was sore. After a little while it didn't stop hurting. Then I went to pick up a 3 ring binder, and pain shot up my arm all the way to my shoulder.

So, I had to go fill out an incident report at work, got sent to the Bapt. Minor Med, who x rayed, found out the bone was cracked, and sent me to an ortho. The ortho didn't think it was that bad. Did not need a cast or anything. Just said keep it in a sling, we'll x ray it again in 2 weeks, and that's it. He also said, don't use that arm at all. (like that is so easy) Don't lift with it, so I can't file at work (darn!), and not sure if I can lift to cook or go to the grocery store. (double darn!!!) I just have to take it easy..

I am glad I did not have to get a cast, eventhough I had decided to get a cute pink camo one if I did. :o) I can take the sling off to shower and sleep, so a sling is much easier- except I still TRY to use my arm a lot, til the pain comes back... And I kept using it last night in my assist in turning over and so forth..

I've always said that my left hand is useful except to support my right hand. I am learning that is really not true. I haven't been giving it the gredit it deserves- just because it's not AS useful as the right.

Ok, gotta stop writing. I've not got my sling on, am using the "taboo" hand I'm not supposed to, and am starting to hurt. I am also posting a picture of my x ray. They probably thought I was stupid taking a picture of my xray with my cell phone, but I wanted to share with my friends.

Peace out and love,


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Change Isn't Always Bad

I've had 2 things (changes) going on this week, that would normally throw me for a loop, but I'm ok. Totally weird since change usually freaks this "Type A" girl out.

The first and most shocking to me is that I found out the other day that my WONDERFUL pastor and his family have accepted a job at another church in Oklahoma. At first, I must admit that I wanted to cry. I LOVE our pastor. Kevin also has a connection with him, and that hasn't happened before. Kevin has never "wanted" to go to church, but got to where he did now because Pastor Ron's preaching is right on. That in itself is a miracle. :o) But then I found out something that made me feel better, and now even excited for them to be going to Oklahoma! Pastor Ron is going to a church 20 minutes from my daughter Kristin!!!! She has been in Oklahoma for 2 years, and has had trouble finding an Assembly of God church with a lot of people her age. She has been praying for a sign where God wants her to go because she is tired of visiting around and not having a home church. Well, for her Pastor Ron going there is her sign. Now she has a "home church". It's a pretty good sized church, so I am sure there are people her age. It'll be like having a little piece of home in Oklahoma with her. God is SO awesome how He worked things out where this awesome man of God still gets to minister to MY family over 300 miles away!!!! Also, when we go visit her, we can see Pastor Ron, Kelly, and the kids.

Another thing that happened this week is we have a new administrator at work. We were worried that she would come in and things would be turned upside down. While I am still sure that she will be making changes, I am at peace with this, and really like her.

So, I guess sometimes change can be good. We just have to look for the good in it.

Peace out and love,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Don't Like Change

Why is change so hard? I am not a "change" person- unless it's something I wanna do..LOL.. I have changed desks/offices twice at work in the last 2 days, and may be "changing" my position. I'm really not sure yet. It is totally driving me CRAZY. I was told that I will for sure have a job- n problem, but the not knowing exactly what I am going to do is driving me nuts. I am a person who plans every second of my life. So not knowing what I am going to do one day to the next is not something I adapt to well. Sometimes I wish I could be a "fly by the seat of my pants girl". Instead I an totally type A, and think I passed it down to my daughter (poor Kristin). we are both into structure and no real surprises.

Now, some changes would be good... like winning the lottery (which would be hard since I don't buy lottery tickets). If I won, I think I would do nothing but travel for the rest of my life. I don't think I would even need a home or anything. Just pack up my family and travel. Never go to the same place twice. Kevin thinks I would hate it after a while, but I'm not seeing it. Think about it, if I had millions, I could just fly my friends on vaca with me when I missed them. :)

Again, just my thoughts.. I sound so self-absorbed these days. I'm not trying to- just been totally stressed this week, and this blog seems to be the only way I express myself... my only "power".. I'm not usually like this... Just gotta get somethings off my chest.. Hang in there, some posts won't be as whiney :o)

Gottta get off here..

Peace out....

Love, Bcky :o)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Swayze on Barbara Walters.. sad

I wish I would've remembered to TiVo the entire thing, but missed the 1st 38 minutes of it!!! Patrick Swayze on Barbara Walters! Wish it would replay. I've always loved him as an actor, thought he was hot way before the days of Matthew McConaughey or Brad Pitt, and love that he never got caught up in the "Hollywood Hype" by staying humble, not to mention happily married to the same lovely woman for 33 years. I think he is 1st class and the real deal all the way.

The 22 minutes I saw of the BW interview was the 1st I've seen of him since his diagnoses of cancer last year- the first since his rounds of chemo. He seemed to look so old, thin, and ill. It made me so sad to see him like that. And to hear his sweet wife was quite sad too. I must admit, I even cried. They are both really brave, strong people- full of hope and faith- still looking forward to their future together- no matter how limited or short it may be. He's come a LONG way from the days of "The Outsiders", "Roadhouse", or "Dirty Dancing". If anyone has the whole thing on TiVo, I'd love for you to tape it for me.

His new show "The Beast" starts next Thursday on A & E. I read today that in spite of his disease, he only missed 1 1/2 days of 12 hour day tapings. Wow, and to think I hate my job sometimes and wish I didn't have to be there- even when I'm healthy.

Ok, I know some will think this is corny, but a blog is for your thoughts, huh? This is what was on my mind tonight.

Have a good one and peace out,

Why Is It So Hard To Just Be Thankful?

Here it is, the 7th day of the New Year, and just 4 days about things I resolve to do in 2009 for my "non-resolutions".

I have SO much to be thankful for:

Kevin FINALLY got his license back, and is working. (yay!)

I have a pretty good job that I enjoy (most of the time..LOL) with benefits.

Joey is working- making his own money, and going to advance soon to a better paying position. (which he is excited about)

All of my family is healthy.

We have a nice, warm place to live only a few miles from mine and Joey’s jobs.

Kevin drives a company vehicle so we don’t have to worry about his gas/car expenses.

We have the most adorable, spoiled dog you could ever ask for.

I have AWESOME friends.

I have an INCREDIBLE church.

So, since I have so much, why is it so easy to think about what I don’t have? My thoughts/dreams are consumed with how I want to travel, how I want to move away from the Memphis area, and when Kevin can get time off work so we can do these things. It’s only his 6th day of work, and I’m already to blow outta here. ;)

Am I losing it? Sometimes I feel like I am, since I can’t be happy in the "here and now". It seems that I am always looking forward to something "hopefully" coming- rather than my blessings I have in front of me. Why do I do that?

Maybe I just really badly need a break to get my head on right. Maybe if I take that vacation, I can stop thinking about it and be grateful for what I have. (maybe not though. It may make me want to go on another better vacation..LOL)

Ok, I’ll stop my rambling and complaining for now. Maybe say a little prayer for me to learn to be content.

Thanks and peace out,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008-09 Survey

Maybe this will sum me up in a nutshell (so to speak).. at least tell where my heart/brain are :o)

In 2008;

YOUR SONG FOR 2008? um... Praise You In This Storm.. because 08 was full of storms, but 09 is ALREADY looking better! Praise the Lord!!!!

LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD (longest friend) - Angie, Robyn, Toni, then Ginger & Anita


HIGH POINT OF THE YEAR? getting my life back on track & Kevin FINALLY getting his license & job back Dec.30!!!

LOW POINT OF THE YEAR?marriage seperation

BEST HOLIDAY?Thanksgiving, we got to stay home with just our kids. Didn't have to go anywhere... I'm starting to believe that's how the holidays should be! Deff. less stress ;)

MOVIE FOR 2008?The Dark Knight




BEST DECISION MADE THIS YEAR? to trust God more than ever

WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR?It's already 09. Read my 1st blog and you'll see my "not resolutions" of what I am planning to do this year!


MOST LOYAL FRIEND?Susan, Leann, Robyn G.,Christie, Angie, Kristina. These are the ladies I trusted with talking about EVERTHING I was going thru. Couldn't have made it without their love and prayers!

BIGGEST CHANGE OF THE YEAR?marriage seperation, moving out on my own, getting back together with Kevin

NEW YEAR RESOLUTION?to not make a resolution- read 1st Blog

How old did you become this year?39, wow! that sounds old!

Did you host any parties this year?not really a party, but planned an Oakhaven Alumni lunch

Which was your favorite month? November... life started getting back to normal then

Which was your worst month?August. I stared hitting rock bottom

Have you made a new best friend?not really a new one, just found an old one again

Have you fallen in love?fell deeper in love, and have a new appreciation for Kevin

Have you done something you regret?no, bc things that happened brought us to where we are, and things are better now than before

Did you not do something you wished you did? yes, didn't get my cruise or beach trip!

Did you wish for something that came true?yeah

Did a best friend help you out? oh yeah, couldn't have made it thru w/o them!

Did a friend hurt you? nah

Were you in a car accident?-nope

Did a close relative die? nope

Did you sleep in the same bed as the opposite sex?yes, my husband

Did you wanna say something to someone, but did not because you were too scared? no, finally told ppl things I should have for years

Did you cry for no reason?yep, all the time

Did you dye your hair?yes

Did you break any rules?speeding

If you could replay last year again,would you? nah, glad it's over.let's move on

Overall was last year a good year or a bad year?very bad

In 2009;

Will you be looking for a new job? only if I move away

Will you be looking for a new relationship?deff not

New house?yes!!!!!!!!!!!

What will you do different in 2009?appreciate my family more

New Years resolution?don't do resolutions, see blog

What will you not be doing in 2009?living in the past

Any trips planned?yes yes yes

Wedding plans?nope.

What's on your calendar?work work work, vaca or two, few graduations, shooting a wedding after buying a new camera, work, hopefully a cruise, and have I said work? Oh yeah and a few concerts, and work!

What can't you wait for?SUMMER ♥ vaca

What would you like to see happen different?more adventure, but the good kind ;)

What about yourself will you be changing?hopefully rely on God more

What happened in '08 that you didn't think would ever happen?leaving Kevin, getting my own place

Will you be nicer to the people you care about?hope so

Will you dress differently this year than you did in 08?nope

Are you going to be in school in 09?doubtful, but wish I could

How will you make more money in 09?work, work, work

Will you be nice to people you don't know?yes

Do you expect 2009 to be a worse year for you than 2008?most deff not... its going to be better way better than 2008

How much did you change from this time last year til now?a lot, feel like I am much stronger now than I was this time last year, and MUCH more happier!

Do you plan on having a child?no way

Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?yeah, and more people too prolly

Major lifestyle changes?mmm not major

Who was the first person you talked to in 09?Kevin, Joey, Robyn, Michael

Will you be moving?HOPEFULLY

Wishes for 2009:don't really have wishes, just things I would LIKE to see happen. Basically my family become closer to each other and closer to the Lord... to love each other more.. and to TRAVEL!!!! and move to another state!

New Year's "not resolutions"

Well, I've tried this before by setting up a blog account on here before. It's been SO long since I've done anything with it that I don't even know what email address I used to set it up. I'm going to try this again, and hope I keep up with it better this time. ;) Maybe some of my friends who are avid bloggers can help keep me accountable. (Christie, Liz, Jeanette, Becca!!)

I don't really do "New Year's Resolutions", but I am going to resolve to do a few thing this year. They are just desires of my heart, and will be much easier to follow than traditional "resolutions". Here they are:

1- Grow closer to the Lord. 2008 has been one of the HARDEST years on my family. We lost income, as well as my being seperated from Kevin for several months out of the year. The only "thing" that helped bring us back together isn't really a "thing"- it's a "WHO". It's Jesus. Kevin and I have BOTH learned to lean on Jesus and that we cannot make it without Him. Jesus also used the awesome tool of the "Fireproof" movie to reach us.

2- Be a better wife than ever before. I've ALWAYS loved Kevin, Joey, and Kristin, but this year when my family was seperated I realized how important they ALL are to me. I feel like I've always been a good mother, but haven't always been there for Kevin as much as I needed to. I want to be his biggest supporter. I want him to KNOW that I love him without me having to tell him- to know just by my actions. Of course, I want to remember to tell him, but it's important that he just feel it too without the words. I want to keep having our "dates" like we have been, and to make sure to save out time just for each other-- I want to make him a priority.

3- Be as good a mom as possible. As I said in #2, I think I have always been a pretty good mom, and my wonderful kids tell me that ALL the time. I want to spend more one on one time with them (which will be hard since Kristin lives so far, but wanna find a way somehow). I also want to listen to them more, and not be SO busy or preoccupied with other things that I only "half-listen". You know how we all do that.

4- Stay in touch with my friends. Outside of my husband and kids, my friends are the most special people in my life. I love them as if they are family!!!! I think of them as they are anyway! I want to be able to not be as busy, and make time for them. It's been harder since I've moved out of Millington and several of us are working/babysitting and don't get together for "homeschool activities" as much as we did before. I went to a movie and lunch with a friend today who I haven't seen in person in MONTHS! That is SO crazy considering we live within 30 mins. or so from each other!! We were all used to seeing each other 2-3 times a week with homeschooling, and are now too busy! What is up with that? I have also found many of my friends from "my school days" via MySpace/Facebook. Some, I have wondered about and tried to find for YEARS!!! I don't want to lose that contact again. I want to continue to build those relationships too. I also want to have a few more OHS (and maybe even Coleman) alumni reunion activities.

5- To go on AT LEAST 2 family vacations this year!!! Kevin and I are both working full time now. There is NO reason we shouldn't be able to find the time/money to go away together as a family... and maybe even go with another family or 2... It doesn't have to be anything extravagant-- just a few nights away from home doing something "fun"!!!

6- Have a "girls only" trip with my girlfriends!!! This again doesn't have to be anything fancy.. just some "girl time" to let our hair down, do karaoke, not have anything special to do but hang out and LAUGH TOGETHER!!!

Well, these are just a few things that I "resolve" to do this year. Again, shouldn't be as hard as "real resolutions" since they are the true desires of my heart. Always has been, and probably always will be....

So until next time (hopefully there will be a next time..LOL),

peace out and love ya!!!
Becky :o)