Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's "not resolutions"

Well, I've tried this before by setting up a blog account on here before. It's been SO long since I've done anything with it that I don't even know what email address I used to set it up. I'm going to try this again, and hope I keep up with it better this time. ;) Maybe some of my friends who are avid bloggers can help keep me accountable. (Christie, Liz, Jeanette, Becca!!)

I don't really do "New Year's Resolutions", but I am going to resolve to do a few thing this year. They are just desires of my heart, and will be much easier to follow than traditional "resolutions". Here they are:

1- Grow closer to the Lord. 2008 has been one of the HARDEST years on my family. We lost income, as well as my being seperated from Kevin for several months out of the year. The only "thing" that helped bring us back together isn't really a "thing"- it's a "WHO". It's Jesus. Kevin and I have BOTH learned to lean on Jesus and that we cannot make it without Him. Jesus also used the awesome tool of the "Fireproof" movie to reach us.

2- Be a better wife than ever before. I've ALWAYS loved Kevin, Joey, and Kristin, but this year when my family was seperated I realized how important they ALL are to me. I feel like I've always been a good mother, but haven't always been there for Kevin as much as I needed to. I want to be his biggest supporter. I want him to KNOW that I love him without me having to tell him- to know just by my actions. Of course, I want to remember to tell him, but it's important that he just feel it too without the words. I want to keep having our "dates" like we have been, and to make sure to save out time just for each other-- I want to make him a priority.

3- Be as good a mom as possible. As I said in #2, I think I have always been a pretty good mom, and my wonderful kids tell me that ALL the time. I want to spend more one on one time with them (which will be hard since Kristin lives so far, but wanna find a way somehow). I also want to listen to them more, and not be SO busy or preoccupied with other things that I only "half-listen". You know how we all do that.

4- Stay in touch with my friends. Outside of my husband and kids, my friends are the most special people in my life. I love them as if they are family!!!! I think of them as they are anyway! I want to be able to not be as busy, and make time for them. It's been harder since I've moved out of Millington and several of us are working/babysitting and don't get together for "homeschool activities" as much as we did before. I went to a movie and lunch with a friend today who I haven't seen in person in MONTHS! That is SO crazy considering we live within 30 mins. or so from each other!! We were all used to seeing each other 2-3 times a week with homeschooling, and are now too busy! What is up with that? I have also found many of my friends from "my school days" via MySpace/Facebook. Some, I have wondered about and tried to find for YEARS!!! I don't want to lose that contact again. I want to continue to build those relationships too. I also want to have a few more OHS (and maybe even Coleman) alumni reunion activities.

5- To go on AT LEAST 2 family vacations this year!!! Kevin and I are both working full time now. There is NO reason we shouldn't be able to find the time/money to go away together as a family... and maybe even go with another family or 2... It doesn't have to be anything extravagant-- just a few nights away from home doing something "fun"!!!

6- Have a "girls only" trip with my girlfriends!!! This again doesn't have to be anything fancy.. just some "girl time" to let our hair down, do karaoke, not have anything special to do but hang out and LAUGH TOGETHER!!!

Well, these are just a few things that I "resolve" to do this year. Again, shouldn't be as hard as "real resolutions" since they are the true desires of my heart. Always has been, and probably always will be....

So until next time (hopefully there will be a next time..LOL),

peace out and love ya!!!
Becky :o)

1 comment:

  1. Good Plans. I want to do the same things (but I wont be a mom and wont have a husband.) I just want to show Jesus in everything I do :)

    I sure do love you and Miss you
