Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Change Isn't Always Bad

I've had 2 things (changes) going on this week, that would normally throw me for a loop, but I'm ok. Totally weird since change usually freaks this "Type A" girl out.

The first and most shocking to me is that I found out the other day that my WONDERFUL pastor and his family have accepted a job at another church in Oklahoma. At first, I must admit that I wanted to cry. I LOVE our pastor. Kevin also has a connection with him, and that hasn't happened before. Kevin has never "wanted" to go to church, but got to where he did now because Pastor Ron's preaching is right on. That in itself is a miracle. :o) But then I found out something that made me feel better, and now even excited for them to be going to Oklahoma! Pastor Ron is going to a church 20 minutes from my daughter Kristin!!!! She has been in Oklahoma for 2 years, and has had trouble finding an Assembly of God church with a lot of people her age. She has been praying for a sign where God wants her to go because she is tired of visiting around and not having a home church. Well, for her Pastor Ron going there is her sign. Now she has a "home church". It's a pretty good sized church, so I am sure there are people her age. It'll be like having a little piece of home in Oklahoma with her. God is SO awesome how He worked things out where this awesome man of God still gets to minister to MY family over 300 miles away!!!! Also, when we go visit her, we can see Pastor Ron, Kelly, and the kids.

Another thing that happened this week is we have a new administrator at work. We were worried that she would come in and things would be turned upside down. While I am still sure that she will be making changes, I am at peace with this, and really like her.

So, I guess sometimes change can be good. We just have to look for the good in it.

Peace out and love,

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